
Mazda closes out 2007 with record Sales

Mazda (Suisse) SA

09.01.2008, Leverkusen, December was a record month for the Mazda brand in Europe, with retail sales of 24,100 units (+17 percent compared to December 2006), which is the highest December volume ever recorded. These results completed an excellent 2007 for Mazda Motor Europe, which achieved a volume of 311,200 units (+2 percent compared to calendar year 2006) – its highest volume in 16 years.


Mazda 2007 sales – increases across the continent The Mazda brand’s popularity grew in every region of Europe in 2007. In the west, the UK had its best year ever for volume, at 52,500 units (+3 percent compared to 2006), and for predicted market share, at 1.9 percent, while Ireland had an outstanding year selling 4,300 units (+26 percent). In the east, an all-time calendar year record was set in Russia, at 50,200 units (+55 percent). In south-central Europe, major sales increases were booked in 2007 at Mazda’s Czech Republic and Slovakia organisations, with a volume of 2,900 units (+6 percent), in Hungary, where just under 2,800 Mazdas were sold (+6 percent) and in Croatia where sales stood at 2,500 units (+15 percent).

Mazda had a great 2007 in southern Europe as well. Greece had a record year for volume, at 7,300 units (+10 percent). Portugal set two records – for volume at 5,000 units and for market share, predicted at 1.9 percent – and Switzerland also had an excellent 2007, selling 7,000 units (+6 percent). And in northern Europe, Mazda volume in Sweden was 4,800 units (+13 percent) and in Norway retails sales stood at 3,300 units (+4 percent) – the highest volume for both countries since 2000. This propelled Mazda’s Scandinavia organisation to a strong 2007 result, with a volume of 14,900 units (+3 percent).

Mazda December 2007 sales – Russia, Spain, France, Finland and Portugal led the way

All markets contributed to record sales for Mazda in December, led by Russia, which had its highest December volume in history, at 7,000 units (+120 percent compared to December 2006) and set a record for December market share, estimated at 4.4 percent. Spain set two records - for volume, at 1,900 units (+4 percent) and for market share, estimated at 1.3 percent. In France Mazda sold 1,500 units (+11 percent), its highest December volume in 15 years. Finland (incl. all three Baltic countries) recorded its best December volume ever, at 800 units (+98 percent) and Portugal recorded its best- ever December market share, estimated at 3.1 percent. Other countries achieving excellent December results were Austria (incl. South Eastern European countries), with a volume of 1,400 units (+86 percent), Greece, at 960 units (+98 percent) and Sweden at 350 units (+12 percent). The Czech Republic and Slovakia organisations had a volume of 380 units (+202 percent) and December sales were also strong at Mazda BELUX (Belgium + Luxembourg) with a volume of 180 units (+53 percent).

Mazda (Suisse) SA
Avenue des Morgines 12
1213 Petit-Lancy

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